
ok go!

Wednesday, 24 December 2008

snow is white


Brian said...

Went through these first without the music, then again with the music. Totally different experiences. These photos are beautiful!

Merry Christmas!

Nayereh said...

well at least someone had a white christmas

wowblough said...

so i havent figured out a way to get in touch with you. and then i checked this joint. and i dig everything im seeing. what is your email?? i have so much to tell and so much i want to hear.

CVA said...

hey duder-
where the hell are you? did you ever get my letter like 2 months ago? what is your email address? i would like to drop you a line. thank you.
that is all.

Unknown said...

helloooo! so, do you even check your email? I wrote you after you left me that wonderful voicemail but i still have yet to hear back from you! mayhofren or however you spell it looks spectacular! minus the mask. chat soon? also i agree w. brian.