Things to do today:
1. go to the cafe to get bacon rolls
2. make a map depicting the Fire Assembly Location Plan in MSWord '98... staple on all fire doors

3. rock out while doing Elliots expenses (because if I wasn't rocking out I might murder myself)
4. walk around the site and take pictures (occasionally for progress reports, more often because I can pretend I know what I'm doing)

5. flirt with construction worker (singular)
6. make coffee and tea for meetings

7. print and file things
8. be generally friendly with subcontractors/ architect/ client etc.

9. order office supplies (we just got a laminator, which makes my signs look sweeeeeet)
10. call Paul the IT guy
11. write coi's, si's, rfi's, daily reports... yea you know-- or you don't!
12. request things from CAD tech Dan at KKS Architects

13. arrange and laminate Adrians recipe clippings
14. issue the risk assessment and method statement for the site barbeque on the gantry (scaffolding)
... this job wakes me up in the morning

This is Maciek installing the Fire Detection System in the office:

Maciek is the foreman, and very Polish. He's cool, we talk a lot but we can't really understand each other.

This is my boss Adrian. He is very Welsh. Also a huge bacon roll fan.

Last week we got a generator installed in the basement... it was a pretty big deal:

I've got to stop eating those bacon rolls
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