1. paying homage to this house and all the memories it holds for us; as it so perfect to post the pictures of our last day at 4504, comparable to Sarah's first day and the Beer Olympics;
2. mocking my last relationship and its pathetic end as an explanation for my lack of bloggish activity (and obviously also because it would be momentarily satisfying to publicize my resentment);
3. getting ya'll pumped about my plans for London.

All these events are part of the London Festival of Architecture:
which will still be in swing for three weeks after I arrive. This week I'm staying with Jess and friends in the swank student residence NIDO (check out the sweet animation):
and conveniently my cousin, with unbeatable rent, is moving out next weekend and so I'm taking his place in a flat of four in New Cross, SE London. The rest is looking for a job and running amuck with Jess until the end of August when she leaves and Dad fly's in for a week for Gma's 90th birthday.
I just feel good karma right now. The world is unfolding as it should. Maybe it's the Secret.
Stay tuned. I'ma try to keep all you arch enthusiasts swimming in eye candy from the LFA jamboree.
*And special thanks to Brian WatZIN for encouraging me to man up on this blog.
1 comment:
hehehaa, that's ma girl!
..oh man im so glad i am nostalgically searching all the picture-filled internet sites i can think of.
and. i thought your text was some metaphorical cry for help earlier. excuse the outburst of overly emphatic encouragement.hahaa, and on the other hand i jumped to fantasizing about an artsy house in hyattsville.
you know it bella, cheers, salute! so glad you're gone! and you know what i mean
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