
ok go!

Tuesday 18 September 2007


I bought a polaroid camera at Value Village. Its not very good so I decided to start taking it out on my bike rides to experiment with natural lighting.

I've noticed that I'm always sort of sad on my way home. On my way out the road is just mine. On the way back its whatever.. obligations... responsibility, etc.

Thankfully I always seem to get hit with the picture for the day. Only one is my rule. I never look for it, and if it doesn't come then no picture. It always has so far. I take it then put it back in my bag, and its something to be excited about when I get back. I'm taking over the fridge. Maghan and Sarah are down :)

oh, and this...

RIP Polar Bears...


Lanny said...

polaroids is where it's at.

jamesd said...

not usually a fan of polaroids, but these have a lazy, ethereal quality about them that is nice...

...and makes me sleepy.

Seye said...

that's what i'm talkin about boss

charlie said...

talking about that update know, since your focus now works.

bgcallam said...

Hey Katie, glad to find your site...nice pics btw. Keep at it!