On the metro we ran into the Free Hug guy. We didn't give him hugs but we followed him for a while and pondered why a person would do such a thing? Is it some sort of experiment? How does the appearence of "Free Hug Guy" effect potential huggers? Like if he was another age/sex he obv wouldn't get the same volunteer population. I clearly couldn't ever carry around a "Free Hugs" poster. Kids would be lined up. It'd be pandemonium.
We rode the carousel. We went to my favorite hideous monument. We invented a concept called lifebubble: everyone's talked about how nice it'd be to have a personal soundtrack playing while you're going through your day to day... kind of like elevator backround jams, but tunes that you actually like. The bubble works kind of like bluetooth; its a chip that goes into your sunglasses, and you can sink up with people you're with so that you can both rock out to the same "playlist" in your bubbles. The bubble is created by the sunglasses. The sunglasses are important because we decided that there's an ellusive power/force field created by someone wearing sunglasses: like "yea I'm wearing sunglasses on the metro, no big deal, you could too if you were this cool, cant touch this etc etc..." Also, this chip is emotionally sensitive and automatically pics out songs that vibe with your current mood, AND, if you're with someone else and you want to sync up with them it'll create a composite of both individual's relative mood and find an appropriate middle ground. The interface works kind of like the iPhone (for lack of a better applicable precedent) but its translucent and right in front of your face... maybe you don't need to use your hands. --Product still developing
Stay tuned ...

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