*points of interest: wearing a bright pink dress and rocking a large fancy camera gets you (a) mad free merch stuff (b) backstage (c) to the front row (with elbow room)
spent the last three weeks teaching these guys some architectural things.
not these. they obv already have mad skills. gave some crits, taught some things, drew, made models, toured a little architecture, mostly ran around taking pics
chachillin with elle and arash
wallace yardsale. woke up at 6... harsh. pete and I fell asleep on the couches in the garage at noon.
I'm rolling down my street and the BWI taxi is pulling out of our cul-de-sac. Pete's in the driveway. I gave him a honkular. "You're just in time for a beer" (my thoughts exactly). Only one left so I went to the liquor store and picked up two bottles of wine (for gilly the wine guzzler) and a 12 of Molson Canadian. Three hours and 5 beers later Rhian returned and the "Kung Pow" began: