I'm homes. This blog includes images from our first house party and a recent trip up to Thirsk in North Yorkshire with the boys to see Nan and Uncle Bob and Aunt Mary. I stayed with Nan. She hooked it up b&b style.
I'm slowing down, setting some roots and indulging this family thing for a while. It feels great to be home.
My room is definitely three times the size of my place in London. And it has a sofa (come kip on my couch... it folds out...kindofabigdeal)
Jon on his first day as the Bear. Kind of scary. He made a little girl cry. Yesterday was my first day as the Bear: Two prework beers is a must. My job consists of dancing around the bar until I'm suffocating in the humidity of my mask, then to the DJ stand for a quick swig and maybe a cig, deep breath and go! I danced with a lot of old men which poses problems in that (a) I'm rusty on my swing dancing and (b) I cant see a darn thing. Tonight you can find me in the Ice Bar, in a Bear Suit, dancing to the Ice Bear Song (uh huh, we have a song, and soon enough we'll have a dance as well)